More ways to meet Engage with Data
In case you missed last week’s announcement, my company, Structured Solutions Educational Consulting, has a new name!
I am so proud to have Engage with Data out in the world, and I appreciate all of the kind and supportive feedback I’ve received over the past week.
I’ve had some awesome opportunities recently to share my work, so I wanted to share them with you!
Here are a few other ways you can get to know the new brand:

ClassTag, a free communications app for schools and families, invited me to co-write a white paper about using Title I funds to support family engagement.
The white paper launched this week! Click the button to get your copy.
Read last week’s post on the American Evaluation Association’s AEA365 blog about what (I think) the world of educational evaluation has learned from the pandemic.

Of course, you can also continue to check the website for updates, follow Engage with Data or me on LinkedIn or Twitter, and sign up for the email list below!